
Commonly Used SEO Terms (Part 1)

I know SEO can be overwhelming for beginners; there are a lot of SEO jargons to take note. That's why I decided to compile a list of terms that are commonly used. I don't what you to skip or leave a website because of a term you don't fully understand. Below are the SEO terms that get mentioned more often than not:

  • Algorithm. Search engines, like Google, use algorithm to rank different websites. An algorithm is computer program that helps you see that search results you want to see. Without algorithms, search engines won't be able to show relevant search results. You won't be satisfied with the results you see. Thus, you move on to another search engine that has a better algorithm
  • Citation. In SEO, citation refers your business listings in various websites such as Yahoo!, Bing, Yelp, Google My Business, and other websites that share your NAP.
  • NAP. It is an abbreviation for name, address, and phone number. When listing your business online, it is important to have consistent NAP in order to avoid confusion and not to lose potential customers.
  • Canonical URL. A canonical is a web element added to specify the original URL of the quoted excerpt or content. For instance, when you copy a snippet of a blog post from a website, you could use a canonical tag to credit the original source. This avoids issues such as content duplication or plagiarism.
  • Crawler. A crawler is a search engine's version of a spider. You get it yet? Spiders crawl "the web." I know; it's so punny! These crawlers are used to scan or discover newly published articles or posts. So, be sure that the search engines can detect your website's new content.
  • PageRank. PageRank is another complex term, but in a layman's point of view, when another site has your link, it adds to your website's PageRank. For example, another website has link to your Contact Us page. Every link that is found in other sites can influence your PageRank. You cannot influence your own rank; it should other people or sites sharing your link. So, Google studies these links and where in your website it redirects. Then, it will calculate the quality and number of links. The designated value is called the PageRank.
  • SERP. It means search engine results page. When you search on Google, the SERP appears the moment you hit they Enter key. After typing a query on Google, it will do its best to provide relevant answers on the SERP.

SEO doesn't need to be complicated. I have my short list of terms have helped you. In case you need more assistance, I recommend asking the SEO experts at Scottsdale Web Design.

Let them handle everything from web design to search engine optimization. They will help you enhance your website and stand out from the rest.  After all, even the best websites will end up pointless if people cannot find it. Give Scottsdale Web Design a call (480) 900-6691 right now to discuss the best SEO strategy for your business.