
Common Teeth Problems And How To Stop Them

You are in a party enjoying the company of your friends and you noticed that your friends are trying to avoid talking to you. Bad breath? Whatever your concern is, you need to immediately address it before it is too late. Go to Serenity Smiles Scottsdale Dental Clinic and find a solution. Prevention is always better than cure!

Here are some of the common teeth problems and how to stop them:

Mouth Sores

There are many variations of mouth sores and surely it is bothersome. But if you have it for only two weeks, it is normal and would go away on its own. However, if your mouth has canker sores which are small but painful ulcers inside the mouth, lips, tongue, or throat. A mouth wash wash-away could lessen the pain. Ice can also relieve the pain. In addition, stay away from beverages, spicy and hot food, acidic foods and drinks to avoid irritation.

It is not transferrable and its causes could be hormones, stress, autoimmune disorders, vitamin deficiencies, eating spicy and acidic foods, or injury in the mouth.

Cold sores or fever blisters are due to herpes simplex virus and it shows on the edge of your outer lips. It is transferrable and it is not curable as it comes and goes. Mouth sores, on the other hand, can be seen in babies, denture wearers, and oral thrush also called oral candidiasis, people stricken with diabetes and during the treatment of cancer.  To stop this mouth sores, make sure, you seek dental help.

Tooth Erosion

This can easily be prevented. It is caused by the loss of tooth structure and acid that attacks the enamel of the teeth. Symptoms include sensitivity or the more serious cracking.

Tooth Sensitivity

This is a problem of millions of people globally but can be treated. Symptoms are pain when eating sweets, hot and cold drinks, ice cream or even cold air. A few undergoes pain just by flossing or brushing their teeth. This could also mean that you have tooth abscess or broken a tooth. See a dentist immediately to lessen the possibility of losing a tooth or having jaw bone infection.

Toothaches and Dental Emergencies

Oral hygiene and regular visits to the doctor are a good practice; however, there are other factors that cannot be avoided which are unforeseen accidents. Just like any accidents, losing a tooth, could be pretty scary and painful. Usually this happens because of an accident whether car or falling fall flat on your face or you bit something hard. This could cause sensitivity and major pain.


• Broken tooth. Keep the broken teeth put it in a cup of milk or hold it. Do not try to wash it as the tiny fibers may be harmed. The dentist will take an ex-ray to check if there are not fractures in either the jawbone or the root. He will probably put a splint to hold the tooth that may heal in about two or three weeks, max.

• Cup lip, tongue, and cheek are other dental emergencies. This situation is hard to determine especially when there is bleeding to know the degree of your condition. A doctor or a dentist will be able to help. Stitches may be needed and cuts near your lips means there will be scars. You may also be given an antibiotic if there is swelling.

• In case of a foreign object that got caught in between your teeth like wooden toothpick splinters. This can cause swelling in your gums, softness and bleeding. Flossing or you can use GUM Soft-Pick. If the object goes below your gums, do not touch it and go to the dentist ASAP.

• Tooth infection can lead to something more serious. It can expand to dangerous parts of your body like your airway, bloodstream, and it could go to your brains. So, don’t think twice, make an appointment with your dentist.


• Go to the dentist right away an abscessed tooth, dislocated jaw, fracture, a hard time swallowing, facial inflammation or fever needs urgent attention.

To avoid these kinds of problem, visit Serenity Smiles Scottsdale Dental Clinic! They will give you all the possible solution needed. It could be dental implant, capping or crowning, teeth whitening or other cosmetic dental solutions.